My Publications

The focus of my own publications is in the areas of bilateral relations between the EU and Southeast Asia in general and Germany and Vietnam/Thailand/Malaysia in particular. This area includes intercultural management, cultural due diligence, market exploration, business development and building business networks.
In addition, I am particularly interested in coaching and personal development:

The Rising Dragon - Successful in Vietnam (German)

Vietnam is also known as the land of the "Rising Dragon". And indeed, the country has been experiencing an unstoppable rise since its economic opening in 1986. Vietnam is increasingly becoming a magnet for managers, specialists and students from Germany who are turning their attention to this breathtaking country. - This management guide is aimed at all those who are already working in Vietnam or who plan to work in this booming Southeast Asian country in the near future. It is written from practice for practice. The book provides general knowledge about the country and its people, advice on how to shape a career, how to deal with Vietnamese employees, and tips on networking and doing business.


Vĩ nhân của nền văn học thế giới Johann Wolfgang von Goethe từng nói: “Không ai biết một người có sức mạnh để đi được bao xa cho đến khi anh ấy thử cố gắng.” Trước vòng xoay không ngừng của cuộc sống, rất nhiều người đã từ bỏ sự cố gắng, đánh mất sự tự tin hay chật vật để tìm lại và khám phá chính mình - một phiên bản mới mẻ, gai góc và dũng cảm hơn. Chúng ta bị nỗi sợ thất bại thống trị và áp chế. “Refresh! 20 ngày làm mới bản thân” là cuộc hành trình đi vào nội tâm để khám phá những điểm mạnh, điểm yếu của chính mình, từ đó xây dựng lộ trình cụ thể để cải tiến bản thân, hướng tới cuộc sống tích cực, hạnh phúc và ngày càng trọn vẹn.

Thailand and Germany: Economy, Politics, Culture (German)

Especially in the field of intercultural management, knowledge of economics, culture, politics and history is indispensable. This book is aimed both at managers from the business world and employees of NGOs, for whom an assignment in Thailand is imminent, as well as at anyone who is interested in Thailand. The author covers a wide range of topics, from the first contacts between the two countries in past centuries to the exciting present, where Germany is by far Thailand's most important economic partner in Europe.

REFRESH! - 21 Tage, die dein Leben verändern (German Edition)

Erlebe eine transformative 21-tägige Reise, die dein Leben für immer verändern wird:

Tag 1: Wie alles beginnt Entdecke, wie du deine Reise beginnst und dir klare Ziele setzt, die deine Träume Wirklichkeit werden lassen. 

Tag 2: Sei ein Drache und kein Huhn Lerne von den Erfolgen großer Persönlichkeiten und erfahre, wie du dein eigenes Mindset entwickelst. Entdecke, wie Glaubenssätze und deine Einstellung den Weg zum Erfolg formen.

Tag 3: Triff Entscheidungen Erfahre, wie du Entscheidungen bewusst und zielführend triffst. Verstehe die Bedeutung von kleinen und großen Entscheidungen.

Tag 20: Die Kraft des Handelns und Verkaufens Entdecke, wie du effektiv verkaufst, sei es Produkte oder Ideen. Lerne, wie du proaktiv handelst und deine Ziele erfolgreich umsetzt.

Tag 21: "Mach es!" - Dein Schlüssel zum nachhaltigen Erfolg Bewege dich von der Theorie zur Praxis. 

Du wirst lernen, wie du deine Stärken nutzt, Hindernisse überwindest und kluge Entscheidungen triffst.
Hol dir jetzt dein Exemplar und starte deine Reise zu einem erfolgreichen und erfüllten Leben!

Sawasdee - 150 Years of German-Thai Friendship - 50 Years of German-Thai Society (German)

Germany and Thailand can now look back on 150 years of diplomatic relations. The German-Thai Society, which can celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2012, plays an important role in this relationship. Andreas Stoffers has taken these two anniversaries as an opportunity to publish a commemorative publication on this special topic. Among other things, it takes a closer look at the historical milestones of these intensive relations and highlights the commonalities between Germany and Thailand. The commemorative publication is rounded off by personal impressions and life experiences of people who have lived in the other country for a longer period of time. Sawasdee is a remarkable commemorative volume on a remarkable friendship.

Dream trip through Thailand (German)

Thailand offers countless fascinating impressions, breathtaking landscapes and cultural peculiarities. For years Klaus G. Förg traveled this unique country with his cameras to explore even the most remote and secret corners. Thus he was able to capture many beautiful, imposing, but also bizarre things in the picture. He shows the viewer not only well-known places like Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Ayutthaya or the beaches of Ko Samui, but was also far away from the tourist centers on the road. In extraordinary panoramic shots and magnificent landscape photographs, he brings us closer to the beauty of Thailand. The Thailand connoisseur Andreas Stoffers, editor of the book Sawasdee, describes the regions of Thailand and also gives insight into the exciting history of the exotic country.

Sawasdee - 150 years of German-Thai friendship - 50 years of the Deutsch-Thailändische Gesellschaft

"Sawasdee" is the traditional greeting in Thailand. Ever since the conclusion of the first friendship, trade and shipping agreement between Thailand and Germany in the year 1862, there has been a lively economic, scientific and cultural exchange between the two nations. A further milestone in these relations was the founding of the Deutsch-Thailändische Gesellschaft 100 years later.
Andreas Stoffers has compiled an anthology of articles uniting the past and present of Germany and Thailand. He examines the history of diplomatic relations and the influence which the cultural exchange has exerted on many areas of development in the two countries. The focus of this book, however, remains the testimony of those people who formed and form a living bridge between two continents and two very different cultures.

Zudem bin ich sehr aktiv mit Kommentaren in internationalen Medien, dabei v.a. in Vietnam. Hier eine aktuelle Auswahl: 

Holistic approach to Global Minimum Tax needed

Progress clear on Vietnam’s trade path

Cultural due diligence critical to nurturing foreign bank 'marriages'

The potential ramifications of US banking collapse

Vietnam rising as a global financial hub: why not?

Vietnam: A 'shooting star' beyond Southeast Asia 

Evaluating German-Vietnamese economic relations

Keeping an eye on the economic dangers still ahead

Vietnam retail banking at crossroads

Vietnam expected to increase labour demand in 2022

“Refresh – 20 Tage zur Erneuerung” eines deutschen Autors für vietnamesische Leser

Nếu chậm triển khai thuế tối thiểu toàn cầu, Việt Nam sẽ bị thiệt

GS-TS. Andreas Stoffers: Vì sao những cuộc 'hôn phối' giữa ngân hàng ngoại và ngân hàng Việt không bền?

Việt Nam là quốc gia hùng mạnh thứ 30 thế giới, tại sao không?

Tăng trưởng kinh tế Việt Nam qua góc nhìn của chuyên gia quốc tế